Safe Loading and Unloading


Heavy Equipment

Working with and around heavy equipment brings inherent risks, but loading and unloading the equipment from transport shouldn’t be one of them. Retriever, developed by VersaTran, Inc., includes a number of features designed to make loading and unloading equipment as safe and fast as possible.

Safety Features

  • Decks as low as 41″ reduce the need for climbing in order to secure the load.

  • Shallow ramp angles make it easy to drive the equipment right on the deck.

  • 140 tie-down locations make it easy to secure any load.

  • A non-skid deck surface improves traction even in adverse weather.

  • Steps and grabs offer even more security.

Improve driver and operator safety with Retriever equipment transporters.


How You Can Save Money by Purchasing a Retriever


Idling: What’s the Big Deal?