Idling: What’s the Big Deal?
All across America, drivers are being educated about the harm that idling does to their engines and their environment. Most states have even taken it a step further, passing anti-idle laws for truckers that limit the amount of time they can run their engines when the truck isn’t moving, and truckers who ignore these regulations risk big fines.
In most places, there are exceptions to these anti-idling laws for when the trucks engine is being used for power takeoffs involving cargo or work functions, which means that you’re not risking a ticket by powering hydraulics or other essential loading and unloading features. But what about all the other problems that come with idling, like fuel consumption, engine wear, and high emissions?
The Retriever’s No Idle System is a better solution for loading and unloading. Instead of hydraulics, the Retriever is pneumatic, using pressurized air to move your loading deck and ramp. It only takes a few minutes of driving for your truck’s air compressor to fill the No Idle System tank, so your it should always be primed at full power, ready to complete a full load/unload cycle. Because of the No Idle System, using the Retriever can result in as much as a 95% reduction in idling time, with fuel and maintenance savings of $1,440 or more per year.